Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Nyakasimbi Maarifa Centre launch picture speak : 11th May 2012

By Noah Lusaka, Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Communities having a look at the installed Inveno computers led by IT trainees and on right watching videos on biogas, water and local testimonies


Inside the library section participants perused the various publications on development issues. The publications include research reports, newsletters and magazines, books, pamphlets, posters CD ROMs and much more

Mr. Paolo chatting with IT trainees and on the right FADECO committee members watching a video on Biogas and water harvesting technologies

A participant making an inquiry on Biogas installation and on the right participants learning the operations of computers guided by Ms Zawadi

 Mr. Paolo of Renewable World making a short speech on the right the guest of honors Mr. Ndyanabo blessing the occasion with words of wisdom Mr. Sekiku the FADECO Director delivering his speech to an attentive community and on the right part of the launch participants

Mr. Sekiku the FADECO Director delivering his speech to an attentive community and on the right part of the launch participants

A tour of the farming activities and demonstration plots established by students pursuing a certificate course on sustainable Agriculture at FADECO

The launch was crowned by tree planting activities and the participants well entertained by Mikikiti drama Rugu dance troupe